Wind Down Services

Our team helps provide an expert opinion and workflow around the review, design, and management of internal controls, budgets, timelines, and open-item checklists around the complexities of the Wind Down process.

Wind Down Services

Our team helps provide an expert opinion and workflow around the review, design, and management of internal controls, budgets, timelines, and open-item checklists around the complexities of the Wind Down process.

A Brief Summary of the Wind Down Process

  • Accounting Services - Each wind down typically takes 1-3 years subsequent to the liquidation of all securities held be one's portfolio: 2 – 2.5 times as long when including portfolio liquidation mandate.

  • Down Sizing - Prior to winding down, downsizing may commence.

  • Continuing Operations - Significant component of downsizing and wind downs consist of managing the continued operations throughout its completion.


  • Financial Accounting and Books/Record Maintenance

  • Review/Preparation of Financial Statements and Management of Audits

  • Management and Review of Tax Return Preparation, and Oversight of Tax Compliance and Filings

  • Oversight and Management of Finance, Insurance, Banking, and Prime Brokerage

  • Cash Management and Payment Processing

  • Information Technology Review, Management, and Transition

  • Management of Liquidation of Illiquid Positions and Assignment of Investor Interests

  • Administration Management and Oversight and/or Assumption of Fund Administrator Duties

  • Manage and/or Process Investor Distributions

  • Investor Services and Communication Point

  • Manage Sale of Right to Class Action Suits

  • Service Provider Management and Oversight, and Contract Review and Negotiation

  • Management and Compliance Oversight of Human Resources

  • Regulatory Compliance Oversight and Management of Required Filings

  • Oversight and Coordination of Outside Counsel on All Legal Matters

  • Office Space/Real Estate Review and Management of Office Closure(s)

  • Furniture and Other Fixed Asset Disposal

  • Electronic and Paper Document Storage and Destruction

  • Dissolution of Entities and Closing of All Accounts

Supporting Team Members

Portrait of Tom King, CPA

Tom King, CPA

Managing Member

Key Man Contingency

Management Company Accounting

Custom Projects

Wind Down Services

Portrait of Jacob Carmona, CPA

Jacob Carmona, CPA

Management Company Accounting

Key Man Contingency

Wind Down Services

Custom Projects

Portrait of Jessica DeRosa, CPA

Jessica DeRosa, CPA

Management Company Accounting

Wind Down Services

Custom Projects

Beth McCarthy

Wind Down Services

Management Company Accounting

Get in touch with EAC

The team of CPAs, CFOs, COOs, and accounting and operation professionals combines for hundreds of years of hedge fund experience with some of the largest and most complex industry leaders.

Don't hesitate to reach out, we'd be happy to help.

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